Saturday, May 29, 2010

Damn vampires!

Damn vampires.

Oh sorry, I should be more specific. Damn Sparkling vampires.

I would be the first one to tell you that I had been against the Twilight series, I never heard over three years ago, and yet I saw all these books linked to one another. I was told by other vampire readers to give it a chance and have a look over at least one story.

I gave in and bought Twilight.

It took me months to read, and I have a hard time getting into the story. It was slow, very slow. Like someone held my hand to walk me through the aspect of the plot line. But what bothered me was how everyone couldn’t get enough of the series. (I had enough after the first book) not to mention I work at a movie theatre part time. I’ve seen the fandom up close and personal. It ain’t pretty.

Yet, for the whole reason I despise the series I believe comes down to a few things; jealously, and resentment that’s just to name only a select few.

Why have I come to this conclusion you ask? Let me explain.

Throughout all of high school, I wrote, I did fan fiction as explained in my last blog. I wrote about WWE superstars, and I had my fair share of people who enjoyed to mock me, and announced how awful my writing was. Many had found the sites I posted on and would make fun of me the next day with the story they glanced over. I even had the courage to read aloud in my tenth grade English class one of my stories as part of an assignment. Ridicule followed, yet praise from my English teacher was enough to get me through. (I even had some people accuse me that I didn’t even write it! Backhanded compliments huh?)

So let me get to the point. I know what it’s like to have people mock your work, crush your creativity and make you feel like you can’t write anything worthwhile. This is where my jealousy comes in.

She gets her work published, just as I had been working on my vampire series for well over six years. I started just before graduating high school, and had been hard at work for many years. Recently I have tried to submit my novel to various publishers, only to learn at a Horror Convention that the publishers have been overwhelmed with vampire novels, since many began to write their own after reading Twilight.

Bitter? You bet I am!

I feel like my chances of getting my book out there have been cut drastically. Everyone who is anyone has decided to come up with their own “Twilight” book, some do it out of passion for what they read, other, resentment. For they believed they could write a better book.

I just can’t help but feel jaded towards the series, I don’t like them, but I respect the fact that Stephenie Meyer got her work out there, she got it published and I have no doubt she is living quite comfortably right now.

But, I am still angry over the fact that since Twilight, vampires have lost their bite, their fangs and apparently weakness to sunlight.

I would be lying if I didn’t say I mocked her work, yet I find myself becoming one of those boys back in high school who did the same thing to me. I am mocking a person’s creativity. I am insulting their ideas…

I became a complete and utter jerk!

Is it truly wrong for me to be angry? Is it not human to be jealous?

There’s a feeling I have been enduring for a while, as well as what I learned from the secret. The more you harbor ill will and feelings, the more those feeling will attract others like it to you. I cannot have that. I cannot keep those inside of me.

If I do, how else will I get published?

(Deep cleansing breath)

I don’t know about you, but I seriously need to rethink my priorities. If not… how will anything get done?

Stay Thirsty

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Inspiration where you lease expect it

Ok, I am hot, sticky and cannot stand the heat… I know I already blogged about this. I just wanted to be clear on the fact that I DON’T LIKE HEAT! -.-

Moving on.

Inspiration has me rather puzzled, just for the pure heck of it, I went back to what started my writing craze. Believe it or not, my writing started with fan fiction of WWE wrestlers… yes, you read right. Men in tight spandex, oiled bodies and bruised from random chair shots inspired me to write!

It started in high school when I found myself drawn to a particular character, Kane. A tall man, who wore a strange red and black outfit and a mask to match, he was my first muse. I began to create stories about him, and wrote myself into them. I was a teenager looking for some sort of meaning, and found myself oddly relating to Kane since he was a misunderstood person. (When really, he just liked to hurt people. I try to look at the other side of things)

It was him and then more of the WWE’s odd characters that began to spring forth my imagination. My stories grew stranger and more bizarre. I still write them to this day. I took the entire concept of Harry Potter and turned it in a Wrestler’s version of the infamous tale of the boy wizard. You just add a lot more swearing, fighting and a game they invented called Nargal (aka a bra and panties are raid after they learn to teleport)

It was the start of an interesting creative process, and it certainly wasn’t the last. I tested some of my vampire concept in fan fiction and found them well received. In fact, I took a few of my vampires and had them in Hunter Potter after once more, I wrote myself in and was given the power to bring whoever I wrote to life until the book closed. Believe it or not, I got a little ballsy.

I would attend autograph sessions and see what would happen if I were to give the wrestler a story. Would it make it back stage? Would they even bother to read it? I didn’t hold out much hope on the idea, and my first guine pig was none other than a young wrestler by the name of Randy Orton. I had ‘heard’ things about him and that he was rude to fans. Just make note people, don’t ever judge someone by what another person says. Sometimes that person is just bitter, or upset with how their encounter went.

Ok? Ok.

Back to the story.

I gave him my first Hunter Potter story, completed with a photo shopped picture of the ‘star’ Hunter Potter (who was Triple H, bing or goggle him if you want to see what he looks like) Orton looked to the picture and laughed and announced “Oh man, I’ll be sure Hunter reads this!”

I took that comment with a grain of salt, then again. There was a chance. I didn’t put my name on it. Well a few days later, I was chatting with a friend of mine from Winnipeg, she told me about some friends of hers who made it back stage at the WWE. One of her friends was asked to join the WWE, but he refused (partly because he was seven feet, six inches tall)

Anyway, the story goes that Vince McMahon, Shane McMahon, Kane and the Undertaker were trying to convince him to sign on, yet when he polity refused, they understood.

Triple H then walked in.

According to my friend’s friend, he was confused as Shane asked him what was wrong, the first sentence out of his mouth was “What the hell is everyone calling me Hunter Potter?”

At first, I didn’t believe it. But then again, I was so excited to hear that be told to me! I did have my doubts, but it certainly gave my writing ego a boost.

So a few months later, I decided to see for myself.

I went to Toronto for the Blade Trinity premire. Triple H had a part in it so he was going to be there in person. I was at the front of the crowd, clear as day. When Vince McMahon, his wife Linda McMahon, Stephanie and Triple H began to pose for media shots. They went to each side, first the right and worked their way to the left. When it came to me (I was on the left) I opened to the cover of the next Hunter Potter tale. Hunter Potter and the Elimination chamber of secrets.

I could see Triple H squit his eyes to see, next thing I know. He was laughing and rolling his eyes at me. Stephanie McMahon went over laughing aloud as Vince and Linda chuckled. Stephanie came running in her high heels, she was signing random autographs, when she slowly made her way over to me. I opened to the cover once again as she looked to me with a smile and back at the cover. I said “It’s yours” she smiled, thanked me and walked off with it!

I must admit, I am even shocked they liked the story! I could tell you every wrestler who has taken a Hunter Potter story.

Hunter Potter and the Prisoner of Madison Square- John Cena.

Half of the Gauntlet of fire went to Shane McMahon (who was rather pleased to be getting a story)

The full version went o John Cena at a personal meet and greet.

The Order of the ministry went to John Morrison and Melina. (Morrison was cute he looked at the picture and smiled until he flipped through the pages and realized aloud ‘Oh! It’s a story!’ when my back turned he leaned into Melina and announced ‘I have to read this now’)

The second last one The half bloodied Prince went to Chris Jericho just as he was about to return to the WWE. He was sweet to say “Since you read my story, I’ll be sure to read yours” he was signing his autobiography A Lion’s Tale at Chapters. I remember telling him “I hope so, some of the best lines come from you!” He was Ron Wesley in the story.

And last but not least, the final story went to Jeff Hardy. I felt bad since he was a last minute replacement for Batista. His plane came through a snowstorm and he was dead tired. All the women were claiming that Jeff wasn’t smiling to the kids or anything. It made them rather upset since we were waiting over six hours for autographs.

So when it came to my turn, I went up and gave him the final story. Suddenly a glimmer came over Jeff. A half smile and then a full smile, then he burst into fits of chuckles! Yes, I made him laugh just by the image alone I put on the cover of the story!

Since then, I grew rather perplexed as to what to give the superstars next. I met Ted DiBiase Jr. Recently; he got a small anthology of stories to make him laugh. I am certain there are some in there that would give him a chuckle (imagine of Kane and Rey Mysterio switched bodies. Kane’s in a little man’s body while Rey is a giant. Chaos ensues!)

Well, I have gone back to my roots recently in fan fiction. Just to take a break from my vampires. Who knows, what else will come out of me!

Until next time.

Stay thirsty.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Can't take the heat

I know now…

I have figured out one important thing about myself. You know when you were younger. You always wanted to have a dream house in the Bahamas or Florida? I didn’t, and I know why.

I can’t take the heat!

Recently, I have been plagued with a little bad luck. One, summer has struck, two raccoons love my organic garden, three the air conditioner is busted, four, I don’t like going to bed sticky! In all honesty, I much rather be freezing cold than even be slightly warm or uncomfortably warm. It must be the Canadian in me, Cold good, heat, not so much.

I have tried to take my mind off of it, a cool slurpie for one did the trick… if only for an hour, but even then, it didn’t last as long as it use to. Heck, I think half of it melted once it got into the house. My backyard is colder right now than inside my own home!

Move over squirrels or at least make a guesthouse for me!


So, that’s been me in a nut shell for a while. I’ve been getting quite a few shifts at work recently. Great huh? Now if only they could fix the air conditioner in the lobby…

I am starting to think I am not meant to have an air conditioner this summer


Stay thirsty… because I know I will be.

Friday, May 21, 2010

My muse, my friend

My Muse my friend…

I don’t I had really taken the time to talk about my friends, those who inspire me to do great things with myself, and to bring my creatures to life. One of my dearest friends has to be Alexandre Tuis.

We met many years ago on a Hellboy message board. I was admiring a piece he did that would be more than worthy enough for the piece to be a movie poster. He had the entire Hellboy cast and characters featured in his work, and the detail made me feel it could have passed as a photograph more than anything.

I sent him a message and told him how moved I was by his artistic talents and could only wish that he would be the one to draw my vampires.

He wrote back.

Thanking me for my kind words and asked me what the vampire would look like, a description of sorts. So, I sent him the idea I had brewing in my head for over a year. Heaven help me should I had been to one to draw out a vampire, I can’t even do stick figures without giving them a wang by accident!

Back to the story at hand.

I sent him the concept idea and he explained he would do what he can, but I had to wait. He was busy with other projects.

Waiting wasn’t an issue, but I must admit. I felt like a kid on Christmas morning!

The three months passed when he wrote me back, asking for the description again. When it was sent, I waited a week before he gave me a rough draft… I had mistaken it as the actual artwork!

Three days passed when he sent me the completed piece. Dante was created, and he is in full view dear reader as you look to your right near the top of the page. Yes, he is a little under dressed. Yet, I wouldn’t want him any other way.

Since then, we have become good friends. I have promoted Alexandre’s artwork since I am not only a fan of it, but I feel there are more people out there who had to know of him. They had to see what he was capable of!

Alex, my friend, Mon ami.

I will repay your kindness, someday, some how.

Alexandre is one of many friends who have inspired me along the way of writing, shockingly enough. One came to find me…

Stay thirsty

Thursday, May 20, 2010


I don’t know why it took me so long to figure this out.

Why write a horror story with fictitious creatures, when there have been true monsters in our history books? In high school, I was fascinated with history, mainly the World Wars struck a cord since I had been made aware of family members who fought and died in it.

In fact, my grandfather fought in World War 2. He nearly lost his legs while running a leaking propane tank out of a medical tent, I never knew much more after that, how many lives he may have saved, but all I knew was that he nearly lost his legs, and was one of the many people who tested a new medical procedure that is used for burn victims today. Skin graphs.

He was part of medical history and war history, but now I am getting off topic.

Monsters, that was the original idea I was trying to talk about.

In our history books more than in our minds, it saddened me greatly to learn that there are students who don’t fully understand the idea of what had happened over 60 years ago, since it didn’t concern them. Some just don’t plain care. It’s not ‘interesting’ enough for them. I have been watching war specials in the month of April and May. Just learning about the brave men and women who had gone over seas only to never return. As I look at it now, those who died were teenage boys and men who were my age. In the prime of their lives, taken down by fighting for a cause.

It’s one of the many reasons that got me to write my books, I wanted them to be as historically accurate as possible so for those who don’t really get into history.

You don't need Jason or a Freddy Kruger to make your skin crawl, just look back 50 years and read what happened in Europe. Go back farther to read about Hannibal and even Cleopatra! Heck, watch a show called ancients behaving badly, and you'll see what I mean about the 'Queen of the Nile' (she murdered her own family, just to gain power. Her two brothers and sister were killed since she saw them as competition!)

Who needs vampires and other fictitious creatures when you could read about real life monsters?

Or perhaps, that's just it...

We all know the truth about vampires and other creatures of the night, perhaps that is why we attach ourselves to the monsters of fiction

It's because we know they didn't exist...

Stay thirsty.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

New to the world of Blogging


A small introduction first. My name is Shannon Lee. I am a writer and I have been working on a new concept for the past 7 years now.

It started before I graduated high school, it started off as fan fiction. However, the concept of it was so fun the right, I attempted to expand on it. As many have begun to write, my idea was about vampires... But I've been writing this before they were cool.... and started to sparkle.

Strange thing was, I wrote out chapter 6 before I created a concept of a beginning. A villian popped into my head and she needed to be written out first. Since then, she had remained in the story, an evil Vixen by the name of Lylith. Not too original, I know, but it's a name that worked for her and continues to do so.

By the time I graduated, I had two villains and the main characters. Twin brothers separated at birth during the time of the black plague. It then struck me then. I began to do my research and later kicked myself that I never took the course of ancient civilizations in high school and decided to take a chance.

Make the story historically accurate as possible.

granted, there were no vampires in history. But still, the idea was there and the scene was set by the events of the time.

Mythic Blood was born in a matter of years, and has recently been reborn again. I had rewritten my novel at least 4 times already. I still have a little ways to go, yet have learned I am on the right path. Currently I have it posted on a site called Authonomy, and have 63 comments written about it, all positive with some constructive suggestions.

I have attended the World Horror Convention in 2007 and am hopeful to go to the next one in 2011.
Mythic Blood is currently submitted to a publisher, and I hope to hear word on whether or not the book will be published.

I hope to blog often and look forward to hearing from those interested in my work. Until the next time, this is just a taste of hopefully what is to come. I will post small samples of my novel here and there, hopefully to get some feedback.

Oh, I should mention.

My vampires don't sparkle.

They shimmer when covered in blood.

Stay thirsty