Sometimes you just need to vent.
I don’t know about you, but nothing makes me feel lower than learning that a new carpet is more important than health and safety of a worker at my work place. Just recently as you may have guess, we got a new carpet! Yet with the way our stock arrives (on skids that can be hundreds of pounds on a single load) is left down at the end of the hallway when it has to be taken across to the other side of the building.
Before, it was placed before the doorways of the room they were destined to be in, since the deliveryman had an electrical lift to do it. But since the new carpet (that apparently costs 50,000 dollars) head office wants to keep it ‘in the best condition possible for as long as possible’.
In other words, everything had to be moved by hand down a hallway on small carts and at least twenty trips.
My brother works hard and normally he can get this done on his own in half the time when everything is where it needs to be. But now, my own workplace is more concerned about the damn carpet that WILL be thrown up on in just a matter of time, than to have the stock placed away properly, safety and more efficiently.
Nice to know where the employees stand on the ‘food chain’ of priorities.
We’re below the carpet.
Well I am going to sit down and see what I can write out tonight, to be honest, I haven’t written anything in a few months. Some other things have been on my mind, but it’s about time I sit down and start writing again. Who knows, it can be my way out!
As an update, my campaign on Indiegogo has finished, I didn’t raise any donations, but I am not the least bit upset or concerned. Sometimes it’s best to do things yourself when you really want it. Besides, perhaps it means that I shouldn’t rush it.
Recently I have sent the novel of Mythic Blood to Black Bed Sheets for consideration to be published for their 2012 line of books for the summer. Keep your fingers crossed for me and hope for the best. I really like what they have to offer and know the people who run Black Bed Sheets. They are more than willing to lend you an ear and give their honest opinion. Here’s hoping and I will keep you posted.
Recently I have been painting masks for some of my vampire characters, some have turned out great, others I still think I need work on. But that’s what the masks are for, to better visualize the character and personality.
On a recent note, one has really come to light! Thank to the lead singer David Draiman of Disturbed, quite frankly, I think this character is just for him! We’ll have to wait and see how that turns out, but inspiration can come from anyone and anywhere!
I hope that my friends and readers in the States have a wonderful and joyous Thanksgiving. Here’s to you, and be careful when it comes to shopping on the black Friday deals!
In the mean time, I have a free short story for you to read, it’s a lead up to Mythic Blood, it was once the prolog, but found it took up too much space and attention from the main story. I hope you enjoy, and comments are most welcomed.
The sample can be obtained through this link, or (believe it or not) Itunes! Click on the book section of Itunes and type in Shannon Lee or A taste of Mythic Blood. It’s free to download.
Until next time.
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