Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Yes, I write again!

Things have started to fall back into place for me. For a while now and I am quite serious about this, I couldn’t make myself sit and write anything for the second vampire novel of Mythic Blood. The second book was living up to it’s name in my eyes. Forever night…. Aka this is taking forever to write!

As of late, I have found some inspiration in writing out what could occur in the series, the ending is done, it was one of the first chapters I finished without hesitations, but starting it and the filler in between is a whole different can of worms. Believe it or not, I have written nearly three other complete books before the second one. Weird huh?

This is what happens when I get a day off for work and there are flash drives on sale at Walmart! (By the way, at mine they had Kingston flash drives 4MB for 8.88! Wicked deal since everywhere else its 20 dollars a pop for the same kind of drive)

Cheep plug over and done with.

To be fair, I haven’t really written anything new, for the most part, I had gone back to a story I just can’t seem to pull myself away from and reworking nearly the same four chapters over and over again. Why? I don’t know, I think I like tormenting this one character I have and making her suffer a little with those she is forced to be around. Let’s just say Karma is a bitch… and you will need to wait at least six novels into the Mythic Blood series to know who I am talking about. But I can just about assure you, when you get to know her, you’ll love what I do to her!

I have promised those who are kind enough to take the time and read my blog another novel sample. I really do need to post something since you have all been kind enough to give me the time of day. I will get something up soon, I just need to pick my parts carefully to be sure I don’t give everything away up at once. (Or else it will seem like a movie trailer where it’s better than the actual movie itself)

Did you know I have a twitter?

Then again, I am on that as often as I blog… well… I try to tweet once a day, and no it’s not about going to the bathroom, where I shop or anything like that. But updates nonetheless on the series.

You are more than welcome to follow me @MythicBlood.

You don’t have to though, but if you want to, feel free.

I need to start doing some research for publishers, just so I know who is accepting right now. There aren’t many out there and I want to avoid self-publishing if possible. I had been tempted in the past, but vanity publishing can’t compare with an actual publisher. It’s an uphill battle for me though, due to Twilight and Tru Blood, vampires are harder to sell.

I already explained this didn’t I?

See, this is why I don’t blog that often, I end up like a broke record!

Until next time everyone. Keep well, stay safe and hopefully I will have some better news and more significant things to write about!

Take care.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Here we go again

As I write this, I am half awake along with my best friend in the world right now… a box of Puffs tissues. Yes, I got the cold that has been spreading around town as of late. Yet for some reason, I got sick right after my younger brother came home from University feeling a under the weather.

The circle of life of a cold germ, it is always started by the youngest in the family who touches everything! So, in order to not get blamed for anyone else getting sick, I’ve made frequent trips to the bathroom… not for the reason you may think. After watching Myth Busters, I learned how much a cold germ could spread when someone doesn’t wash their hands after each time it comes in contact with their face. So lesson of the day everyone, wash your hands after you blow your nose, no matter how annoying it maybe. Just do it!

Alright, now on to the more important stuff.

I have sent Mythic Blood off once more to a different publisher in hopes of getting my novel off the ground, that right I took the plunge again! I have made alteration to the novel and condensed the first chapter and merged it into one with the second chapter. You get to the vampires quicker to put it mildly. As well I got some wonderful advice from the woman who really got me into writing about my immortals.

Anne Rice.

What a wonderful person she has been to me. I have written her about three times now, and she has responded to me three times. Recently, I was feeling rather down due to the rejection letter I got from the last publisher, one of the errors they pointed out with my manuscript was the historical inaccuracies. I asked Mrs. Rice for any suggestions and she came through for me greatly, and allow me to pass that on to anyone else who has encountered the same problems as I have been.

When I asked her how she got information for the time frame she was writing in for her vampires, this is what she suggested.

Go to and put in suggested titles like "Every Day Life in Medieval Rome." or Every day life in Renaissance Rome." See what turns us.

Keep trying. "Daily Life in Medieval Rome." Medieval Rome.

Rome in the late middle ages

(The 1300's is not ancient times at all, but the late Middle Ages.) Google aspects of life. "Economics in Medieval Rome."

"Working conditions in Medieval Rome."

Amazon will keep searching and dredging up titles for you, throwing up suggested titles. Order the books that look good or to the point. There are many specialized books on Italy and many general books for a popular historian. Keep using combinations of words to snare different titles. note that you can order used books on Amazon for low prices. Keep searching.

That's the easiest way to do research. "Art in Medieval Rome." "Architecture in Medieval Rome." "The Medieval City." "Italy in the late Middle Ages." "Italian architecture in the 1300's." Go on and on like that.

When you get your first batch of books, study the footnotes for other sources. Buy the books cited in the bibliography if they are more focused on what you need to know.

"Economics in Medieval Rome." "Trade in Medieval Rome."

"The Rise of bankers in Medieval Rome." Just keep hitting it.

Amazon is fast, flexible and huge.”

This was fantastic advice, I mean books do have to name their sources for historical facts right?

By the way, I did some research, one of the inaccuracies for my novel was that they didn’t have two level houses in the 1300s in Rome…


I got my history books and one especially on Rome, two level houses existed since 300 A.D, it was the Romans who were pioneers in architecture, were they not? If I am still wrong on this topic, please someone point me in the right direction! But so far, I think I got this right.

Anything else to update?

Not at this time, but I will once again, keep you posted on what I have learned, what there is to know and if Mythic Blood will have a home. From there, the world is limitless! The possibilities are going to come.

Come to think of it, this is really starting to sound like J.K Rowlings when she first started writing Harry Potter. Granted, I have been very blessed with the fact that I still live at home, I have a job and no real responsibilities besides pitching in wherever I can in the house and paying part of a bill each month. But only time will tell.

Until next time…