Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Finally! I have word on my novel!

Well it nearly took a year, and waiting, waiting with more waiting. And finally an answer!
















It just wasn’t the answer I had been hoping for.

Sadly, Mythic Blood has been rejected once again. But this time, I got good feedback on it and will take the suggestions given to me into account and to heart. They were very truthful and made me see I do have some work ahead of me to do. But the main issue was spelling and grammar, I knew the grammar was the biggest of the two since I have always struggled with it.

As much as I wished and hoped for it to be, it wasn’t time for Mythic Blood. Not yet at least.

But I know it will be soon.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

A change of seasons

Ah the fall has finally come!

Not the book that Mr. Guillermo Del Toro has written along with Chuck Hogan, but the season of Fall. Autumn! My favorite season, for you see, I LOVE the cold.

Now for some updates.

There is no word on the publishing front, so let’s leave it at that, no need to make an echo blog right?

I have gotten back to writing. I’ve been doing a mix of my own novel and fan fiction for WWE. Two new fan fictions have been created, as for the vampires. I’ve gone back and been rewriting one of my novels for later on in the series. I keep adding details and pushing the word count to well over 100,000. But I need to make sure it’s necessary. Does anyone mind quite a bit of dialogue in a novel? It is relevant to the story to set the character’s mindsets and emotional state. But that’s the purpose to editing too right? Not to mention the rough drafts help iron out details as well as situations.

But mainly, I’ve been working on a rather dastardly immortal. I cannot say too much about them, but the fact that it’s part of the most grotesque coven I have created. In a pervious blog I explained a group of vampires who call themselves Gluttons. Like a walking blob but their goal was to get at large and corpulent as possible. There are a few things I still need to work out with them, but they give me chill just writing about them and their abilities. Let’s say this, an elder could make a modern city disappear in one sitting! Creepy, right? Disgusting, oh yeah. The devoured everyone, cell phones and all. That would be quite uncomfortable and awkward.

I have been trying to broaden one of my other immortals, a main one later on in the series, but there doesn’t seem to be much for him to do. Not to mention I am going to make some new characters, but there is also another difficult task to contend with.

When do I kill off some of the characters?

It’s hard to decide if there are vampires that have warn out their welcome in the series. Yet I have grown attached to many of them. (Sigh) I guess this is one of the many difficulties of being a writer besides trying to get published.

In other news, I have just about finished Christmas shopping for my good friend Alexandre. We have a Christmas tradition of sending each other gifts, for me, I send him the greatest bounty in Canada…. Maple Syrup!

Did you know they have made a whole bunch of stuff out of it? Maple Candies, syrup (duh), fudge, tea, coffee, caramels the works! I just hope they don’t get tired of this stuff. But I ask them every year as to what they would like. Anything Maple wins hands down!

Well, that’s all I have for now. If anyone is interested I do have my WWE fan fiction posted on, look for Scorpina, and I will admit some of the stories are out there! You have been warned.

For now, I am going to prepare another sample to share with you the reader of Mythic Blood! But let’s wait and see what happens in the next few weeks shall we? I am getting a good feeling about this!

Until next time…

Saturday, September 4, 2010

sorry for lack of updates

You know the song ‘it’s been a while’ has started to play a lot in my eyes. But then again, I keep looking back at my blog and realize how silent I have been. That’s for many reasons.

One- Work- insane hours and sometimes even stranger people.

Second- Pet sitting, my second job… kind of. I look after my neighbor’s pets when they go to work or on vacation. Nonetheless, money is money right now.

Third- preparing.

I am getting myself ready for the World Horror Convention in Austin Texas this year. I am determined to go as a published author, even if it’s for a short story. I will go with work behind me. That way I will have something interesting to talk about to say the least. But for the moment, my vampires have been rather silent. I’ve focused on WWE fan fiction and a short story I am tinkering with involving a man who owned a dog fighting ring… yet doesn’t get caught by the police. Something more… supernatural to say the least.

I’ve also been trying to keep up with some other people’s blog. Scott Nicholas who I have had the pleasure of working with as well as a sensei to help me with my vampires, is doing a contest for a Kindle reader! I would really like one of these right now, and if there is anyone else out there interested in his contest, here is his site.

Best of luck to everyone who enters.

Now, what else to talk about?


Well, I did do something rather risky recently. And for anyone who is like me, an author waiting to be discovered and published. I wrote the publisher that I had sent Mythic Blood off to. I have read many times over and have been told by professionals this is a big NO NO. Yet an author by the name of Nancy Kilpatrick informed me that if they had given me an date they would contact me, it was ok to ask and inquire. So, I did!

From what is to be known at this time, my story is in limbo. And it sounds like it could be up against stiff competition from others who are just as hungry as I am for a chance to get their work out there. But I am not losing hope! Never lose hope in anything no matter how impossible.

Speaking of Hope, I suppose everyone has seen what has happened in Pakistan right? Well I read up on various websites, what these people need desperately is water purification tablets. Simple little drop to purify the water so it is safe to drink, I don’t know about you, but I would like to do what I can to help them out. World Vision is explaining that they are already over there and know what is needed, perhaps if anyone else is reading this, we can open our hearts and wallets to these people who are left with nothing. Seriously though, Pakistan has water everywhere, but none of it is safe to drink.

Well, this is all I have for today. If any of you are interested in reading my WWE fan fiction, feel free.

that’s my pen name, and please read the ratings posted, as well, forget spelling and grammar areas. I know some are obvious, please don’t remind me. But there is just about something for everyone, from cross overs to some over the top funny stories about the biggest men in the WWE, and the crazy stories I put them in. (for fans out there, ever wonder what would happen if the Undertaker had a cold and slept walked?) chaos ensues!

I thank you, everyone who has taken the time to read my blog, I am going to post a bit more of my novel up, just to see if it peeks anyone’s interest.

Until next time.