Saturday, July 10, 2010

Wouldn't it be awesome to have your own theme music?

I never really thought about it recently, yet I do believe I have to thank wrestling in general for the idea.

My characters have their own theme music.

That’s right I said it! But hear me out.

I find when I listen to a piece of music, it matches the persona I am trying to configure to a character. It also depends on the song too. I have a very… wide taste in music. One day I could listen to the Toronto cast of Phantom of the Opera, next thing I know I am listening to Disturbed and Silversun Pickups. I just find that music helps me find out whom I am writing about, it establishes personality and sometimes their emotional state. Recently, I found three songs that describe one character. Due to different aura of events that occur in the character’s life three songs could summarize everything they have gone through and what they become out of the situation.

But I am also thinking, if you were to introduce a character…

Enter the WWE inspiration here.

When I watch the superstars come and go, all of them have music, at first it’s just a little something to get them started and for the fans to know who they are. But as they go along, develop and become living personas, their themes also change with them. One that comes to mind happens to be a personal favorite. Kane. Big red guy that use to come out to haunting organ music, and then BOOM pyros.

It got your attention really fast.

But then he evolved. The first bit of his music was dropped, and his introduction became the booming pyro and then his music. Start off with a bang, and they will all jump at the sight of you. Trust me, I learned that the hard way and I am a person who doesn’t like loud noises. The music changed a few years later to something more rocking, yet was changed back five years later to similar organ music he had before.

It was what got the ball rolling on the idea of a character matching to music.

Most of them have been figured out and have their tune. But also music can help write a story. A song recently inspired me from Nightwish called the Poet and the Pendulum. I have written the bones of the story, but I am letting it rest until I can figure out a proper way of writing out the concept.

Music can have the most interesting effect on people, can’t it?

Well, that’s all I have for now. I will write again soon

Until then, stay thirsty.

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