Thursday, May 20, 2010


I don’t know why it took me so long to figure this out.

Why write a horror story with fictitious creatures, when there have been true monsters in our history books? In high school, I was fascinated with history, mainly the World Wars struck a cord since I had been made aware of family members who fought and died in it.

In fact, my grandfather fought in World War 2. He nearly lost his legs while running a leaking propane tank out of a medical tent, I never knew much more after that, how many lives he may have saved, but all I knew was that he nearly lost his legs, and was one of the many people who tested a new medical procedure that is used for burn victims today. Skin graphs.

He was part of medical history and war history, but now I am getting off topic.

Monsters, that was the original idea I was trying to talk about.

In our history books more than in our minds, it saddened me greatly to learn that there are students who don’t fully understand the idea of what had happened over 60 years ago, since it didn’t concern them. Some just don’t plain care. It’s not ‘interesting’ enough for them. I have been watching war specials in the month of April and May. Just learning about the brave men and women who had gone over seas only to never return. As I look at it now, those who died were teenage boys and men who were my age. In the prime of their lives, taken down by fighting for a cause.

It’s one of the many reasons that got me to write my books, I wanted them to be as historically accurate as possible so for those who don’t really get into history.

You don't need Jason or a Freddy Kruger to make your skin crawl, just look back 50 years and read what happened in Europe. Go back farther to read about Hannibal and even Cleopatra! Heck, watch a show called ancients behaving badly, and you'll see what I mean about the 'Queen of the Nile' (she murdered her own family, just to gain power. Her two brothers and sister were killed since she saw them as competition!)

Who needs vampires and other fictitious creatures when you could read about real life monsters?

Or perhaps, that's just it...

We all know the truth about vampires and other creatures of the night, perhaps that is why we attach ourselves to the monsters of fiction

It's because we know they didn't exist...

Stay thirsty.

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