Wednesday, May 19, 2010

New to the world of Blogging


A small introduction first. My name is Shannon Lee. I am a writer and I have been working on a new concept for the past 7 years now.

It started before I graduated high school, it started off as fan fiction. However, the concept of it was so fun the right, I attempted to expand on it. As many have begun to write, my idea was about vampires... But I've been writing this before they were cool.... and started to sparkle.

Strange thing was, I wrote out chapter 6 before I created a concept of a beginning. A villian popped into my head and she needed to be written out first. Since then, she had remained in the story, an evil Vixen by the name of Lylith. Not too original, I know, but it's a name that worked for her and continues to do so.

By the time I graduated, I had two villains and the main characters. Twin brothers separated at birth during the time of the black plague. It then struck me then. I began to do my research and later kicked myself that I never took the course of ancient civilizations in high school and decided to take a chance.

Make the story historically accurate as possible.

granted, there were no vampires in history. But still, the idea was there and the scene was set by the events of the time.

Mythic Blood was born in a matter of years, and has recently been reborn again. I had rewritten my novel at least 4 times already. I still have a little ways to go, yet have learned I am on the right path. Currently I have it posted on a site called Authonomy, and have 63 comments written about it, all positive with some constructive suggestions.

I have attended the World Horror Convention in 2007 and am hopeful to go to the next one in 2011.
Mythic Blood is currently submitted to a publisher, and I hope to hear word on whether or not the book will be published.

I hope to blog often and look forward to hearing from those interested in my work. Until the next time, this is just a taste of hopefully what is to come. I will post small samples of my novel here and there, hopefully to get some feedback.

Oh, I should mention.

My vampires don't sparkle.

They shimmer when covered in blood.

Stay thirsty

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